Quantum oscillations?
Publicado: 03/11/2023 - 09:08
Última modificação: 22/11/2023 - 06:00
In this talk I will overview some of our recent works involving (i) the nonlocality of local Andreev conductances as a probe for topological Majorana wires in novel three-terminal superconducting 1D setups, asymmetrically coupled to normal leads [1], (ii) phase driving hole spin qubits in double quantum dots under simultaneous transverse (Rabi) and longitudinal (phase) drives [2], which enables tunable additional side bands and (some) immunity against noise, and (iii) beating-free magnetoresistitivity in 2D electron gases with strong (unmatched) spin-orbit and Zeeman interactions, in which a new condition for the vanishing of beatings is derived [3,4].
*On leave from the University of São Paulo (IFSC).
[1] Dourado, Penteado, and Egues, arXiv:2303.01867.
[2] Bosco, Geyer, Camenzind, Eggli, Fuhrer, Warburton, Zumbühl, Egues, Kuhlmann, and Loss, arXiv:2303.03350, Phys. Rev. Lett., in press (Editors' suggestions).
[3] Candido, Erlingsson, Gramizadeh, Costa, Weigele, Zumbühl, and Egues, arXiv:2304.14327.
[4] Gramizadeh, Candido, Manolescu, Egues, and Erlingsson, arXiv:2306.02503.