In 2023 the shocking news that a bilayer Ni-based oxide superconductor was found with a Tc of 80 K quickly spread, starting the current frenzy of Ni-based high-Tc superconductors [1]. Although superconductivity at present is only achieved at high pressure, strain may reduce this requirement, and ambient pressure Ni-based high Tc may occur in the near future. My presentation will start with a quick review of the precursors of the present frenzy in thin films of the infinite-layer phase [2], followed by the current experimental situation on bilayers and trilayers, the confirmation of strictly zero resistivity and the Meissner effect [3,4], as well as alternative atomic structures proposed for these compounds [5]. Then, I will move to theoretical development with focus on the results of our group on band structure, Fermi surface, the importance of “dimers” along the z-axis, and the random-phase approximation results for magnetism and pairing, via a collaboration between the University of Tennessee and Oak Ridge National Laboratory [6-13]. Although I will focus on our own results, our publications contain references to dozens of other theoretical, and experimental, efforts that interested readers can consult as well. The field is rapidly evolving and surprises are published in the arXiv on a weekly basis, making this area quite exciting and one of the hottest topics of research in present day Condensed Matter Physics.
[1] H. Sun,…, and M. Wang, Nature 621, 493 (2023).
[2] D. Li,…, and H. Hwang, Nature 572, 624 (2019).
[3] N. Wang,…, and J. Cheng, Nature 634, 579 (2024).
[4] Y. Zhu,…, and J. Zhao, Nature 631, 531 (2024).
[5] X. Chen,…, and J. Mitchell, J. Am. Chem. Soc. 146, 23640 (2024).
[6] Y. Zhang et al., Physical Review B 108, 165141 (2023).
[7] Y. Zhang et al., Physical Review B 108, L180510 (2023). Letter. Editor’s Sugg.
[8] Y. Zhang et al., Nat Commun 15, 2470 (2024).
[9] Y. Zhang et al., Physical Review B 109, 045151 (2024). Editor’s Suggestion.
[10] Y. Zhang et al., Physical Review Letters 133, 136001 (2024).
[11] L.-F. Lin et al., Physical Review B 110, 195135 (2024). Editor’s Suggestion.
[12] Y. Zhang et al., Physical Review B 110, L060510 (2023). Letter.
[13] Y. Zhang et al., arXiv:2408.07690.