Mean-field theory of interacting triplons in a two-dimensional valence-bond solid: stability and properties of many-triplon states
Publicado: 15/06/2021 - 09:08
Última modificação: 15/06/2021 - 09:10
A valence-bond solid is a quantum paramagnetic phase that can be realized in a quantum spin system, characterized by the absence of magnetic long-range order, but broken lattice symmetries. The elementary excitations of a dimerized VBS phase correspond to singlets turned into triplets, the so-called triplons. Such excitations can be analytically described within the bond-operator representation, where spin operators are expanded in terms of singlet and triplet boson operators. In this talk, we will discussed the stability and properties of many-triplon states. We will concentrate on the intermediate parameter region of the square lattice spin-1/2 J1--J2 antiferromagnetic Heisenberg model, where a quantum paramagnetic phase sets in. An introduction to the model, valence-bond solid phases, and the bond-operator formalism will be presented. We will show our mean-field results for the excitation spectrum above a many-triplon state, in addition to spin-spin and dimer-dimer correlation functions, dimer order parameters, and the bipartite von Neumann entanglement entropy as a function of the triplon number. We also comment on possible relations between many-triplon states with large triplon number and gapped spin-liquid states.