Disordered interacting electron systems: some insights from one-dimensional systems
March 24, 2022 at 14:00hs (Brasília) /1PM, (USA Eastern Standard Time): Prof. Dr. Eduardo Miranda - Instituto de Física Gleb Wataghin - UNICAMP
por Portal PPFIS Infis
Publicado: 16/03/2022 - 08:33
Última modificação: 16/03/2022 - 08:38
Publicado: 16/03/2022 - 08:33
Última modificação: 16/03/2022 - 08:38
The interplay between electronic interactions and disorder poses one of the most difficult problems in condensed matter systems. One-dimensional systems provide one of the few cases where reliable descriptions can be obtained. This is possible by means of a powerful Renormalization Group method developed towards the end of the 20th century. In this talk, I hope to describe the central ideas behind this method and to show some recent results. I will highlight some generic properties that can hopefully be useful in higher dimensions.